Interested in Becoming a Board Member
This is where each one of you, can assist your community by taking action and running for our 2024-2025 board. We have (4) four officer positions and (3) “at large” positions, and we are always looking for volunteers to chair special committees. There is more power in numbers, and we would love to have a full team of seven board members again in this upcoming year.
As a reminder, the LHHA Bylaws require that all nominations for members wanting to serve on the 2024-2025 Board of Directors note the following:
1. All candidates need to submit a Candidate Statement, describing your individual strengths and ideas that will positively represent and benefit our community. This statement should be no more than 250 words.
2. Candidate statements must be received no later than 5:00pm on Thursday, October 24, 2024. This date is Final ~ No Exceptions.
In addition, the bylaws provide:
- All candidates who are running must submit their statements in writing to be included in the election process. Write-in candidates are not permitted.
- LHHA board may have from 3-7 members, all of whom must be current members of LHHA. No more than one member of any residence may be a member of the board, and board members must be a full-time resident to serve on board.
Please e-mail Candidate Statements to Kristina O’Neil at
NOTE: Membership dues of $70.00 must be received prior to submitting your Candidate Statement.